Shipping & Guarantee

Shipping Schedule by USDA hardiness zone

Plants will be shipped at the proper time for planting in your USDA hardiness zone. If requested, we will accommodate specific ship dates when possible.

Don't know your hardiness zone? Find it by zip code here: Zone by Zip Code

Fall Shipping Season (October 1 - January 15)*

USDA hardiness Zones

Shipping Schedule


Early October


Late October**





Spring Shipping Season (April 1 - June 15)

USDA hardiness Zones

Shipping Schedule


Early April




Late April



* Bearded Iris, Crocus sativus, Eranthis, Galanthus and Lycoris orders will be shipped as soon as available in Fall.

*Forcing (prepared) Amaryllis begin shipping mid-October

**Orders from colder zones received after shipping has begun in Fall will have priority weather permitting.

Shipping and Handling Charges

(UPS Ground / UPS SurePost)


Minimum Charge if order subtotal <$59.99


Order subtotal from $60.00 to $249.99

add 15%

Order subtotal from $250.00 to $749.99

add 10%

Order subtotal from $750.00 and up

Free Shipping

Plant Guarantee / Warranty

  • We guarantee our plants to be completely healthy and properly sized when they arrive at your location. Please inspect plants within 48 hours of receipt of shipment and notify us immediately with concerns. We are not responsible for issues that may arise during the growing season (ie. weather) since this is beyond our control.
  • We guarantee our plants to be true-to-name when they do bloom.
  • Should one of the above conditions not be met, our liability is limited to replacement (subject to availability), a credit to be used against other purchases, or a prompt refund of the purchase price - whichever option the customer prefers.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us via the following methods:

  • Our website contact form (Click Here)
  • Email us at
  • Phone us at (800) 858-2852
  • Write us at 3810 Terra Ceia Rd, Pantego NC, 27860
* indicates required
Please enter your email address here.